Wow, this is early, especially for someone who is a nightowl....I wake up at 4 am and get on the road by 4:45. I drive 90 miles to Greensboro using mapquest directions to find the parking lot in front of a church. Ah, this is not such a nice part of town and the directions send me in the complete opposite direction. Luckily, one of my strong points is that I have an amazing sense of direction (and I never stop to ask directions either)....so after driving about 4 miles in the wrong direction I turned around and drove back about 6 miles.
Wow, the shuttle bus driver was the same guy who was in Charlotte blaring Jimi Hendrix on the radio..I think its just some sixties music now. He drives us to the War Memorial Stadium. This time there is no permanent building. Just a very large tent for extras holding and two tents for wardrobe and a makeup/haircut tent.
I grab some breakfast and they keep us in the tent for a long time. There are dozens of first timers here today getting fited. Finally, they allow our table to go and get dressed. I go to the table to check in and they had been flipping out a bit because there were no clothes under my 3532 number ((brown coat, flat hat that I wore in Charlotte)...I was now #5001 and had a completed different look including a fedora. The amazing thing was that within three weeks time the costumers had dressed almost 1500 additional people (5001 minus 3532).
I made sure I had my camera phone with me and took pictures along the way today in wardrobe, makeup and hairstyling. It is now about 8 am and time to start the day.
I have the same expectation as day 1 in Charlotte of just being a fan in the stands. I show up in front of the stadium and find over 20 vehicles cars, trucks and even and ice cream truck from that era.
Time to for shooting. I walk up to the set and find one of my "buddies" from Charlotte and stand next to him. I think we are just haning out waiting for the directors to give us instruction of where to stand. Ginger, the costumer, who I got to know well in Charlotte, smiles at me as she straightens my hat and scarf and says "You always find a way to get into the shot". I smiled as I realized at that point again, we would have some camera time.